Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ye Olde Easter Smeagol

          On Easter morning as everyone knows,
  the sun shines bright and everything grows.

 "The Easter Smeagol!" the hobbits all cry,  
 "The Easter Smeagol's coming is nigh!"
Now as much as those lines make me laugh, they have nothing to do with the real reason that we celebrate Easter. In our culture when we think of Easter usually we think of bunnys and chicks and  chocolate but do we think of the real "reason for the season"? Approximately 2000 years ago Jesus, God on earth, died so we can be free. Free from the sin that dooms us to eternal separation from God. Free from the sin that will leave us burning in a lake of fire, alone. The one person that never sinned. The perfect sacrifice, to make us, everyone in the whole wide world free. On Easter morning He rose from the dead proving God's power over death and saving us from eternal punishment. Now some people might think "well dying isn't too bad, He knew that he would be alive in a couple of days" but it was not any pow your gone kind of death. No it was a hours long, naked for all to see, hanging nailed by his hands and feet to a cross. A slow death by suffocation. He did all that so us filthy sinners could someday live with him in heaven instead of being thrown into hell where we All deserve to go. My prayer is that someday, someone will read this and open their heart to their maker. If you are curious to know more just read read the book of Luke in the Holy Bible. He is risen!

sorry to any charlie brown fans who think this post is mocking the Easter Beagle  

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