Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Ye Olde Halleilujah!

Justice has prevailed, we got a tree! Our fight has prevailed, tradition fulfilled, and I'm stuck sweeping pine needles again. Just like Christmas! (except it refuses to snow outside so we can't break our backs standing upright on a slippery sled while going 50 miles a hour off a snow ramp and trying to dodge the tree positioned almost right behind the ramp..... bummer)

 The Hobbit is coming out soon and I have decided in anticipation of it to wear my one ring every day until I see it! 

                                               "Nine for mortal men doomed to die,
                                                Seven for dwarf lords in their halls of stone.
                                                Three for elven kings beneath the sky,   
                                                One for the dark lord on his throne.  
                                                One ring to rule them all,
                                                One ring to find them.
                                                One ring to bring them all, 
                                                And in the darkness bind them.
                                                In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie..."
I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

 All credit for that quote goes to J.R.R. Tolkien.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ye Fight To Keep The Christmas Tree Tradition And Why I Have'nt Posted In Almost A Week!

It all started a couple days ago with a subtle comment at a informal family meeting that suggested that we didn't actually need a tree this year.. Chaos erupted! windows were smashed! people were bashed! Okay that didn't actually happen, but needless to say the suggestion didn't meet with applause. It did have good backing we all reluctantly knew: the cost, little boy who likes destroying or pulling down things, no place to put it (mom didn't want it in the middle of the room, I wonder why?) etc... etc... We (the kids) decided to set about destroying these reasons. We tackled the money one first, Christmas tree fund! (my brother just walked up to me with a piece of duct tape on his chin while I was typing and said "Do you like my goatee?") Next we (the kids AND mom) decided to make room for a Christmas tree. Scanning rooms of house... kitchen... negative... living room... negative... dads office... BING! Next followed a flurry of activity as we unpacked boxes, swept, vacuumed, cleaned, and moved furniture. now we are waiting for dad to say we can get a tree. 

Now for why I havn't posted in almost a week. I am breaking down in tears as I write this, I abandoned my blog fans for almost a whole week. (dramatic music) To stuff myself on turkey at a house 120 miles (sniff) from this computer! Boohoo! I'm so horrible.. I hope I don't sleep for months as a punishment for what I did to you. (sniff) I'm so sor-(dramatic music suddenly cuts off) Take out the tears and that's why I havn't posted in so long. 

Most of the credit for the cleaning goes to my older sister

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Ye Olde third post

"Ham was only a village, but villages were proud and independent still in those days. Farmer Giles had a dog. The dog's name was Garm. Dogs had to be content with short names in the vernacular: the Book-Latin was reserved for their betters. Garm could not talk even dog-Latin; but he could use the vulgar tongue (as could most dogs of his day) either to bully or to brag or to wheedle in. Bullying was for beggars or trespassers, bragging for other dogs, and wheedling for his master. Garm was both proud and afraid of Giles, who could bully and brag better then he could.''  

Unfortunately nowadays dogs and cats don't seem talk, even in the vulgar tongue. Personally I think that cats can and just choose not to talk to "lower life forms" as they call us. But they seem to make good mascots, so I guess that's okay.
No animals were hurt in the making of this blog post.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ye Olde second post

"Aegidius De Hammo was a man who lived in the middlemost parts of the Island of Britain. In full his name was Aegidius Ahenobarbus Julius Agricola De Hammo; for people were richly endowed with names in those days, now long ago, when this island was still happily divided into many kingdoms. There was more time then, and folks were fewer, so that most men were distinguished. However, those days are over, so I will give in what follows give the man his name shortly, and in the vulgar form: he was Farmer Giles of Ham, and he had a red beard." 

Thank you Tolkien for the wonderful pen name! 
(By the way in case you have not noticed I'm a avid Tolkien fan)

Full credit is given to J.R.R. Tolkien for most of this of this post and I sincerely apologize if I broke any copyright mumbo jumbo. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ye Olde Intro

My name is Giles.  Farmer Giles. I come from a town called Ham.
 I like pickles, legos, and reading. I am part of a family of 12 and this is my first post on        Ye old Blog Spot  
What follows is a long and sometimes strange account of what ever I see fit to tell the readers of  Ye Olde Blog Spot.
 Our most illustrious blog mascot is pictured on the right. (She is a fluffy moon tiger from the mountains of Christy-Hohoe and her name is Aspen.) Enjoy!

 we will not be responsible for any sudden death or injury caused by  laughing too hard after reading any of my posts.