Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ye Fight To Keep The Christmas Tree Tradition And Why I Have'nt Posted In Almost A Week!

It all started a couple days ago with a subtle comment at a informal family meeting that suggested that we didn't actually need a tree this year.. Chaos erupted! windows were smashed! people were bashed! Okay that didn't actually happen, but needless to say the suggestion didn't meet with applause. It did have good backing we all reluctantly knew: the cost, little boy who likes destroying or pulling down things, no place to put it (mom didn't want it in the middle of the room, I wonder why?) etc... etc... We (the kids) decided to set about destroying these reasons. We tackled the money one first, Christmas tree fund! (my brother just walked up to me with a piece of duct tape on his chin while I was typing and said "Do you like my goatee?") Next we (the kids AND mom) decided to make room for a Christmas tree. Scanning rooms of house... kitchen... negative... living room... negative... dads office... BING! Next followed a flurry of activity as we unpacked boxes, swept, vacuumed, cleaned, and moved furniture. now we are waiting for dad to say we can get a tree. 

Now for why I havn't posted in almost a week. I am breaking down in tears as I write this, I abandoned my blog fans for almost a whole week. (dramatic music) To stuff myself on turkey at a house 120 miles (sniff) from this computer! Boohoo! I'm so horrible.. I hope I don't sleep for months as a punishment for what I did to you. (sniff) I'm so sor-(dramatic music suddenly cuts off) Take out the tears and that's why I havn't posted in so long. 

Most of the credit for the cleaning goes to my older sister

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