Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ye Olde awsome music videos

I think we all know what my favorite book (and movie) is, but do we know what my favorite band is? That is the purpose of this post, to enlighten you on the virtues of the...... (drum roll here) PIANO GUYS! So here is a video of them playing Lord Of The Rings music!
The guy who plays cello is named Steve. For Christmas my little brother got a box of blocks that came with a man that had Steve's haircut. He was promptly dubbed Steve the Piano Guy and the smiley-faced cello that was in there was his cello. This next one is for Starwars fans.                             The one after that is for spy movie people. By the way for those of you that have watched Captain America the piano person's name is Schmidt
Last of all is just FUN!


                                                                                thank you piano guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sorry about any uneven spacing in the post I'm new to this adding videos thing.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Ye Olde never type with a little brother on your lap

Moms do amazing things, most of those amazing things I can't do. For a example mom sits typing away on her laptop with my baby brother on her lap and everything goes fine. I on the other hand pick him up to stop him crying (he seems to like me) and start typing this post. Lo and behold he starts slapping the keyboard as fast as his little hands can move. Amazing thing number two, cooking dinner for 10 kids most of which are bottomless pits. (yes me included in the bottomless pit thing) I on the other hand try to make "easy fudge" and end up with maraschino cherry ice cream (true story). My reasoning is that God made girls the housekeepers for a reason. Without them we'd still be stirring overly salted mushroom stew with a spear.
(I hate mushrooms even if I wish I was a hobbit) 

Thank you Erin for swooping in and saving those apple pies yesterday

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ye Olde late merry christmas

I know this is a little late and out of order but MERRY CHRISTMAS!

one animal's pride was hurt during the making of this blog post, but she has gotten over that now.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ye Olde strange traditions connected with New Years Day

wilt under my stare and realize that I am the mascot for this blog and you aren't! (insert evil chuckles) 

    We humans are strange creatures... we have all these absurd traditions to do on all these different holidays (like eating black eyed peas at midnight on new years eve)  and so i have decided to compile a list of these strange traditions for new years:

                   #1 counting down from 10 seconds till midnight

                   #2 dropping a BIG apple in new york at midnight

                   #3 dropping a water melon at midnight

                   #4 eating black eyed peas at midnight

                   #5 making crazy resolutions for the new year
                   (I'm gonna convince mom to let me see all of lord of the rings before I turn 15)

etc..... etc..... etc..... etc ...... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

apologies to anyone who has a tradition that I forgot and mom if you read this I am begging you don't leave me in suspense any longer as to what epic things are in the rest of the lord of the rings movies!!!!!!!!