Friday, January 25, 2013

Ye Olde never type with a little brother on your lap

Moms do amazing things, most of those amazing things I can't do. For a example mom sits typing away on her laptop with my baby brother on her lap and everything goes fine. I on the other hand pick him up to stop him crying (he seems to like me) and start typing this post. Lo and behold he starts slapping the keyboard as fast as his little hands can move. Amazing thing number two, cooking dinner for 10 kids most of which are bottomless pits. (yes me included in the bottomless pit thing) I on the other hand try to make "easy fudge" and end up with maraschino cherry ice cream (true story). My reasoning is that God made girls the housekeepers for a reason. Without them we'd still be stirring overly salted mushroom stew with a spear.
(I hate mushrooms even if I wish I was a hobbit) 

Thank you Erin for swooping in and saving those apple pies yesterday

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, very true.
    I'm not to fond of mushrooms either.
